Dantasticfood has experience producing print advertising, packaging, live or taped television and editorial food images for books and magazines. Dan’s ability to deconstruct and then reconstruct a recipe produces mouth-watering food images.
Whether it’s an entire food show, a food segment on a national talk show or a quick-remote shoot at a local farmers’ market, dantasticfood has the experience to organize, cultivate the food and recipes and create memorable and delicious images for film.
As an experienced food stylist, Dan Macey of dantasticfood has had to prepare thousands of recipes – many of which simply didn’t work -- and so he knows first hand how to create a recipe which is attainable, eye-appealing and tastes great. He has a background creating recipes for a host of corporate and not-so corporate clients.
Dantasticfood has experience working with public relations and advertising agencies, corporate clients and production companies to create memorable, unique and visually appealing media events which gain plenty of social media traction and attention.
Using his years of experience in the kitchen, in the studio and dealing with the media, dantasticfood offers a unique perspective on food merchandising, food photography, food design, visual imagery, food trends, marketing to consumers and enhancing social media exposure.
Award-winning food stylist, Dan Macey is considered an authority on the craft of food styling, visual food marketing, food design, food trends and bringing the family back to the table. He has experience lecturing at academic institutions, presenting at professional culinary conferences and cooking before live audiences on behalf of clients.
READ MORE ❯Behind the Camera
Take a look at what happens behind the scenes where dantasticfood creates dishes.